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Two individuals from mixed backgrounds. Our worlds: British, Moroccan, Mauritian, German and Maldivian collided in London - the melting pot.


As a result of people judging and placing us into categories or into whatever is easiest for them to define us and others, we decided to create this website.


This platform aims to break down stereotypes of how people of different backgrounds are perceived and boxed into certain identities which may not even be their own. Mixed up? Sometimes. Messed up? Not always. We will be exploring this through different narratives through media, literature, art, film and photography.  This will be our new platform to discuss outside 'the box'. Mixed identity or one identity: how are you perceived in today's society? And has this messed you up?  We look forward to hearing and discussing different stories and experiences from a diverse range of people.


Got a boxful of stories you want to share? Drop us a message:

Nora and Iman: "We are mixed up, but are we messed up?"

© 2013 MixedUpMessedUp



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